Mar 29, 2010


You know, we keep looking at the blog in wonder. Not only did we want to do our first giveaway to celebrate a random number, but we never imagined that in celebrating 64, we'd gain over 300! Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to apply a counter and visitor tracker. We got over 400 hits yesterday alone! And really, from all over this planet. Even some little island off the coast of Africa I've never even heard of. How cool is that?

With so many other AMAZING nail blogs out guys choose to visit ours and some of you decide to FOLLOW it? Craziness. I mean, my list alone is endless *cough, cough...180 blogs.... *coughing* and I add to it practically every day (listen, I have A LOT of free time in the courtroom. Don't hate.) THAT'S TOO COOL!

We're humbled, really.

So I just wanted to give a shout out to all you lovelies who visit, follow and comment and say THANK YOU. You guys make it all worth it (along with all the pretty polish... I mean, that's the reason we're all here, right?)

Mari and Lissi


Unknown said...

aww, thank you for having such a cool blog - and that is AWESOME that you are at 400 followers - WOW!!!

Ev said...

Omg 400 followers that really is a lot haha!! Glad that so many people like the cool nails you guys show us (:

Nathalie said...

Thank you too :) I love nailpolish and the pretty pictures on your blog make me love the even more!

nihrida said...

Congrats! =)

Susie said...

I have been following through bloglines BUT I wanted you to have ONE more follower through google connect so I just followed. :)
Love your blog.

Lucy said...

Well done, you deserve it!

I can't even try and hazard a guess at how many blogs I follow...